Monday, April 15, 2024

M is for Mexico

Jace's Ingenuity (2011) by Steve Argyle

The Sorcerers

An aging wizard was convinced to take an apprentice so that the community might enjoy the benefits of healing magic. He trained the grandson of another wizard. When the boy's talents exceeded his master's, the man was so enraged that he made up his mind to kill the lad. However, the boy knew of his teacher's feelings and fled. The old man hunted the boy in various animal forms until the child killed him.

Source: Wonder Tales for Men by Diego Morales

Tale Type: ATU 325, "The Magician and His Pupil"

Variants: "Maestro Lattantio and His Apprentice Dionigi" and "The Deceiver Shall be Deceived" and "The Battle of the Enchanters"

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