Saturday, April 6, 2024

F is for France


A woman sent her son to give food to their neighbors and visit Grandma. He met a wolf who asked where he was going. It arrived at the old lady's house before the boy. Thankfully, the child got indoors unharmed.

Grandma attacked the wolf and made it run away, though it still had intentions to eat the child. The boy stayed with his grandmother for so long that his father went for him, but fell into a ditch. Meanwhile, the boy headed out and the wolf pursued.

Father and son reunited, raced home together, and the man of the house killed the predator.

Source: Folktales of France by Geneviève Massignon and Jacqueline Hyland.

Tale Type: ATU 333, "Little Red Riding Hood"

Variants: "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Little Red-Cap" and "The Grandmother"

Scholarship: The Phylogeny of Little Red Riding Hood

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